Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Exec Bios


Arthur is in his last year of a Specialization in Anthropology. His focus is on bio-anthropology; specifically on hominids (or hominins) and primates, and anything to do with the evolution of either. He has a fondness for lemurs in particular, after spending some time chasing after them this past summer. He's also happy to talk about almost anything dealing with origin questions, and anything scientific; but please refrain from discussions of post-modernism for his own mental well-being.His most pressing questions at this time are: what fossil hominid (hominin) skull should he next add to his collection? Where should he apply to grad school? And more importantly, who would be most likely to take him! While he is fleshing out the definitive hominid (hominin) phylogenetic tree, Arthur's major goals for his administration is to leave it financially secure and ensure everyone enjoys their time in the society. And to put down any possible rebellions from other members of the executive.

VP Administration

Alison is in her 3rd year of an Honours Double Major in Anthropology and History. She has a specific interest in Latin America. She has been involved with the Anthropology Society for the last two years and hopes that this year is just as good as the last.

VP Communications
Lindi is completing her 4th year of an Honours Specialization in Anthropology degree, and would like to pursue graduate studies in archaeology if a university would want her. She is the administrator for this blog, as well as the facebook page, and is the e-mail/poster person. Lindi works in one of the archaeology labs, and has participated in three archaeological excavations. Also, she is a student member of the OAS and CAA. Feel free to contact her if you are interested in tips about opportunities to get involved in archaeology at the undergraduate level.

Academic Commissioner
Alex is in her 3rd year of an Honours Specilization in Anthropology degree with a minor in Environment and Culture. Her research interests in anthropology is mainly ecotourism. She has worked in consulting archaeology for the past 2 summers across Ontario. It is her goal this academic year to call on guests to speak that with inspire and motiviate each and every one of us, and she looks forward to meeting all of you at guest speaker events.

Charity Commissioner

Janey is in her 3rd year at Western doing a Major in Bioarchaeology. This past summer she worked on an excavation in Armenia, and has since developed an interest in Near Middle Eastern archaeology. She hopes that the Anthro Soceity can continue to reach out to students and create an even bigger and better anthro community then we had last year.

Charity Commissioner
Myuri is a 2nd year Political Science and Anthropology Student who is very excited to be involved with the Anthropology Society this year. She absolutely loves anthropology and she is an anthropology represenative on the SSSC. She is an approachable person, so feel free to email her or go and talk to her if you see her around campus! mkomara@uwo.ca

4th Year Representative

David is in his 4th year of an Honors Specialization degree in Anthropology. His main focus has been sociocultural anthropology, and he hopes to attend graduate school one day in that area. He is an avid bridge and squash player and is always happy to teach new people how to play either. He can be reached at dlevine5@uwo.ca if anyone has any questions or just wants to chat. He is looking forward to a great year!

Second Year Representative

Pam-Marie is from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and is working towards an Honours Specialization in Anthropology. She loves cultural studies, biology and archaeology, and hasn't decided which direction to go with her Specialization yet. Her goal is to try and recruit more second year students for Anthro Society this year.

First Year Representative
Stephanie is in her first year at Western after spending two years at Lambton College. Her first year classes include all 3 introductory anthro courses, 2 earth science courses (Life of Planet Earth and Earth Rocks!), Latin and Classical Civilization. Her interests are leaning more towards a major in bio-arch and she is searching for something else to go with it as a double major program. Sometime during her studies at Western Stephanie wants to participate in a field school. Right now she is just going to try and learn many things and find her niche in the anthro world.

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